Strikes, Trade Unions, and Politics: Advancing Workers’ Rights in Postindustrial Societies
The recent strikes in UK higher education and Finnish postal services demonstrate the continuing importance of trade unions in defending...

Big Tech: Billion Dollar Idea or Billion Dollar Boondoggle?
In a world where real incomes are either flattening or falling, we have seen a steep rise of big tech being hailed as the saviour. At the...

What actually is STEM? The Importance of Clear Definitions in Research and Policymaking
“STEM” – which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – has become a buzzword among British politicians. There is no...

Low Fertility in Korea: Situation Analysis and Policy Implications
Though still one of the youngest countries in OECD, Korea has experienced a rapid demographic transition to a ‘hyper-ageing society’. One...

A Case Against Termination of Birthright Citizenship in the U.S.
The United States is currently facing a rising wave of anti-immigrant sentiment under the growing Conservative surge within the federal...

The End of EMA: Evidence-Based and Economically Necessary or Simply Political?
“We act on the basis of evidence”, declared the Minister for Further Education John Haynes when justifying the government’s decision to...

Kilmer & Kind – Two U.S. Representatives in Conversation at Barnett House
“There was no Five Guys in Oxford back in my day.” – DSPI alumni Representative Derek Kilmer Graduate students in Oxford’s Department of...

What we should do about social care, and why?
This term, the Oxford Institute of Social Policy is hosting a seminar series on different perspectives on social policy within Oxford....

Crash Course and Career Reorientation: Why I studied CSP
Christina Maags completed the MSc in Comparative Social Policy while at the same time finishing up her PhD in Chinese politics in...

Forward Together? Exclusionary immigration policy and the UK's social care sector
The UK’s restrictive immigration policy, which simplistically focuses on the economic worth of “skilled” vs. “unskilled” migrants, does...