What actually is STEM? The Importance of Clear Definitions in Research and Policymaking
“STEM” – which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – has become a buzzword among British politicians. There is no...

The End of EMA: Evidence-Based and Economically Necessary or Simply Political?
“We act on the basis of evidence”, declared the Minister for Further Education John Haynes when justifying the government’s decision to...

The USS Strike in Context: The Marketisation of Education
The ongoing USS strike highlights the consequences of the marketisation of education. Neoliberalism has seeped into all layers of the...

Social Progress in the UK: How does Britain compare to its peers?
This term, the Oxford Institute of Social Policy is hosting a seminar series on different perspectives on social policy within Oxford....

Early Years Education and Care: A Student Project
This week Anysia Nguyen, another student on the Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation (EBSIPE) MSc course, discusses...